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Joy to the World Homepage Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to protecting it. None of your personal information will be shared without your explicit consent, unless required by law or court order.

*Website Analytics

Our website analytics doesn't use cookies and complies with the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA and CCPA. On our pages your IP address is only briefly processed, and Joy to the World has has no way of identifying you. Your information is de-identified.

The purpose of us using this software is to understand our website traffic in the most privacy-friendly way to improve our website and school. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is "f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually." As per the explanation, no personal data from visiting this site is stored over time as of November 2021.


ご記入頂きましたご住所等の個人情報は、Joy to the Worldにおいて厳重に保管致します。個人情報を事前の同意なく第三者に開示することは致しません。但し、法律に定める権限に基づき開示を求められた場合などはこの限りではありません。

*This policy does not apply to embedded content such as our forms, from Jotform.com and Calendly.com and video embeds from YouTube.com and Vimeo.com. Please see those links for their privacy information.