🎉 25% Off Tuition! Ages 3-6 & Grades 1-4 | ¥0 Reg/Application Fee
Afterschool Kindergarten | Afterschool Elementary | Saturday School

Afterschool Kindergarten


Afterschool Kindergarten is an excellent class for children who want more exposure to the English Language

Afterschool Kindergarten is a native English immersion class that helps children learn English through creative activities, structured curriculum, and having fun together. Through positive learning, our friendly staff creates an atmosphere where everyone is welcome.


About AK

What is the goal of Afterschool Kindergarten?
We began our Afterschool Kindergarten program more than 20 years ago with the goal of providing a fun and comfortable learning environment for all levels of English speakers from ages 3-6. Our core belief is that education starts with your child wanting to go to school and, in this way, learning comes easily and more naturally.

Why should I enroll in Joy to the World’s Afterschool Kindergarten Program?
We are proud that our Afterschool Kindergarten program has consistently provided families with an option to help develop and maintain their child’s English ability. Joy to the World is unique in its overall experience in child care and as a respected educational institution in Bunkyo since 1999. In addition to our solid foundation as a school, Joy prides itself on the positive and experienced staff that compose the international community of teachers in our school.

At Joy to the World, we truly believe in creating an environment where all students are successful, and we have received many positive reviews and comments from our parents for the open way in which we work with families to continually focus on each child’s development and growth. At Joy, we put children first and are always striving to build on our already long-standing reputation in the community.

We firmly believe that the earlier your child begins participating in an English-speaking environment, the faster and more naturally they acquire English. In addition, students starting from 3 years old have proved to be the most successful at academic development as they begin at an early age in a classroom setting.

Junior English Test
Joy to the World is the only kindergarten in Tokyo licensed to give the Junior English Test (JET). Our staff members are specially trained on how to administer this test, which is normally meant for Elementary school students, to younger ages. Families who wish to take this test may sign up beginning from 4 years old.

Our families find that this is a useful tool in tracking their child’s English ability and growth. Over time, students attending our school who take this test report marked improvement, with some Joy students even passing the highest level of the test.

What is the goal of Afterschool Kindergarten?
We began our Afterschool Kindergarten program more than 20 years ago with the goal of providing a fun and comfortable learning environment for all levels of English speakers from ages 3-6. Our core belief is that education starts with your child wanting to go to school and, in this way, learning comes easily and more naturally.

How can my child grow in Afterschool Kindergarten?
Joy to the World strives to offer a customized experience that targets the best opportunity for learners to grow, that is why we offer classes for beginners and advanced English speakers to provide chances for growth and advancement no matter age or English level.

In our Beginner's Class, we start with the foundation of learning, which is providing a safe and comfortable environment where children can have fun, explore and express themselves. We do this through dancing, singing, fun games, and group activities. By mixing these fun and physical activities into our class routine, children will enjoy themselves in the classroom, which builds motivation to participate and learn in an all-English environment.

Over time, through questions and answers, vocabulary building through flashcards, phonics practice, and talking with our experienced teachers, children eventually grow in confidence along with their speaking and listening skills and transition into our Advanced Class.

The Advanced Class is for students who feel comfortable communicating in English. We use an interactive style classroom that focuses on building language skills through increased speaking and listening, both with the teacher and other students. In addition to singing, dancing, and games, students also share their opinions, are asked questions that develop critical thinking, and role play all to develop natural English ability.

Why should I enroll in Joy to the World’s Afterschool Kindergarten Program?
We are proud that our Afterschool Kindergarten program has consistently provided families with an option to help develop and maintain their child’s English ability. Joy to the World is unique in its overall experience in child care and as a respected educational institution in Bunkyo since 1999. In addition to our solid foundation as a school, Joy prides itself on the positive and experienced staff that compose the international community of teachers in our school.

At Joy to the World, we truly believe in creating an environment where all students are successful, and we have received many positive reviews and comments from our parents for the open way in which we work with families to continually focus on each child’s development and growth. At Joy, we put children first and are always striving to build on our already long-standing reputation in the community.

The Joy Progression
Many students joining our Afterschool Kindergarten do so from 3 years old. We are proud that the standard for our students has been to consistently advance from Beginner to Advanced Class and then smoothly transition into our Afterschool Elementary program.

We firmly believe that the earlier your child begins participating in an English-speaking environment, the faster and more naturally they acquire English. In addition, students starting from 3 years old have proved to be the most successful at academic development as they begin at an early age in a classroom setting.

Junior English Test
Joy to the World is the only kindergarten in Tokyo licensed to give the Junior English Test (JET). Our staff members are specially trained on how to administer this test, which is normally meant for Elementary school students, to younger ages. Families who wish to take this test may sign up beginning from 4 years old.

Our families find that this is a useful tool in tracking their child’s English ability and growth. Over time, students attending our school who take this test report marked improvement, with some Joy students even passing the highest level of the test.

AK Timeline

This is only a basic time schedule, routine and activity list that changes from time to time in order to accommodate the student numbers, their ages and their levels each day.

2:45 p.m.
Arrival Time
3:00 p.m.
Greeting and Warm-up Circle Time ( Calendar, weather, shapes, Q & A)
3:20 p.m.
Interactive Discussion ( Teachers and students talk about a specific topic. Phrase repetition and  show and tell)
ディスカッション (毎回特定のトピックについてティーチャーと子ども達が話し合います。これには様々なフレーズの反復練習が含まれており、人前で発表をしたりまたそれについて質問をし合ったりする機会もあります)
3:35 p.m.
Phonics Study ( Flashcard and Phonics related songs)
フォニックス (フラッシュカードやフォニックスにまつわる歌を用いて)
3:50 p.m.
Vocabulary Study ( Includes a flashcard game)
4:10 p.m.
Snack Time ( School provides a drink and rice cracker)
4:20 p.m.
Reading Time ( Assisted reading for beginners )
読書時間 (ビギナーズのお子様にはサポートをしながら)
4:30 p.m.
Worksheet Time ( Teachers will introduce a worksheet appropriate to each child's level)
4:40 p.m.
Worksheet Time ( Students will start to do their worksheets with teacher guidance)
4:50 p.m.
Get ready Time ( Children get ready to go home by bus or by parent pick up)

Dates & Fees


Annual Fees/Tuition

Please read our Afterschool Tuition Rules and our Admissions Page to understand our tuition policies before joining.



Application Fee
Registration Fee
One-time Fee

Afterschool Kindergarten

Per Day Fee
1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
4 Days
Best Price

Afterschool Elementary

Per Day Fee
1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
4 Days
Best Price
*Monthly fees are approximate.

Joy Bus


Joy Bus

Optional Afterschool Bus is also available!
One way: ¥750
Round trip: ¥1,200

Joy Bus Rules

Contact Us

Use the link below to schedule a school tour or contact us to ask a question.

Seats fill up quickly, so sign up early.

Please fill out the inquiry form if the above dates are not a good fit for your schedule.