🎉 25% Off Tuition! Ages 3-6 & Grades 1-4 | ¥0 Reg/Application Fee
Afterschool Kindergarten | Afterschool Elementary | Saturday School

Joy Values

Education for All, Safety for All, & Opportunities for All

Education for All

Children deserve the best education. So whether Joy to the World is your first school at 18 months old to two years old, or if you are starting at three years or older, we are ready for your child. After graduating from Joy to the World, many students stay in our Afterschool programs while going to Japanese Elementary schools. Others go on to International Elementary schools here in Tokyo and around the world.

Through more than 20 years of teaching children of all levels and ages, we have learned to nurture children, celebrate their individuality, and encourage their strengths.

Safety for All

Schools that take care of very young children must plan for lots of common illnesses. Although we had a comprehensive system in place, we have improved our hygiene and medical reporting systems in response to the coronavirus pandemic.  Along with detailed cleaning and sanitizing routines, we require students to get a doctor's release after recovering from contagious illnesses. We also work directly with the city hall when necessary.

Kids at the park
Kids playing with blocks

Opportunities for All

Preparing an international, progressive, safe, and smart school requires many resources; staff, time, and planning. Yet, we do it because we want children to have the best foundation for their future success.

You found our school because you know how crucial early childhood education is. So please take the next step, and ask us about special tuition offers and how you can join the Joy family!

Joys Vision

Hear from our leadership

School Founder & Owner

Jerry Hanus

Joy to the World American International School is a premier educational institution located in the heart of Bunkyo ward, near the convenient Myogadani Station. Since 1999, our school has continued to offer a unique and dynamic learning experience for children of all backgrounds.I designed Joy to the World to provide students with the tools and knowledge necessary for success in a rapidly changing world.

As a comprehensive International Preschool, Kindergarten, and Afterschool Elementary, we understand the importance of choosing the right childcare and education for your young learner.  We are committed to creating a supportive and welcoming environment for new parents and families. Our experienced and dedicated teachers work closely with each student to provide individualized attention and support, ensuring that every child reaches their full potential.

One of the unique features of Joy to the World American International School is we conduct all our programs  100% in English. . This  allows students to develop their English language skills and become confident communicators while also preparing them for a world where fluency in English is increasingly necessary.

Our commitment to education extends beyond the traditional school day, which is why we offer a variety of after-school programs, a diverse range of extracurricular clubs, and a Saturday school course. These programs allow students  to continue learning, explore new interests, and make new friends. In addition,  we offer a Winter Program, Spring Program, and Summer Program, to provide students with engaging and educational experiences during the seasonal breaks.

Our curriculum is both challenging and fun, incorporating elements of multiple cultures and educational approaches attained through our years of experience, all while keeping its base in the American curriculum model.  Our students experience activities and lessons based on various subjects, including art, music, science, cultural study, and technology, all of which stimulate their imaginations and encourage exploration. Our small class sizes allow us to provide a warm and nurturing environment where children feel safe, valued, and confident.

At Joy to the World American International School, we believe in providing parents with peace of mind regarding  their child's education and care. Our commitment to quality and excellence, combined with our supportive and caring approach, ensures that children receive the best possible start to their educational journey. A journey that continues for our kindergarten graduates as they go on  to top Japanese Elementary Schools and top International Elementary Schools in Japan and abroad.

Joy to the World American International School is a dynamic and innovative institution dedicated to providing children with the best possible educational experience and peace of mind for parents. So if you are searching for the best school for your child, whether an international school or if you were initially considering a traditional hoikuen or a yochien, please consider Joy to the World. We will challenge, inspire, and encourage your child while providing a 100% English language education and supporting and understanding your needs as a new parent or family. We invite you to visit us and see for yourself what makes us special.

- Jerry Hanus

A photograph of our School Founder and Owner Jerry Hanus.

School Principal

Isaac Guetersloh

A photograph of our School Principal Isaac Guetersloh.

Dear Joy Families,

First, let me say it is my genuine honor to be your Principal. Joy to the World is not only a school, but a family, a community of students, parents and teachers all working together. The creativity and happiness found at this school mirrors the absolute potential found in every single child in the world. Joy to the World has always been a school that encourages this potential with our unique and tested style of teaching.

When children are here, they know they are family and that they are loved. This closeness and encouragement is what makes our kids want to come here everyday to learn, and it is also what makes them so successful after they have graduated and move on to elementary.

I view our role as teachers of this young age to be guides, helpers, and encouragers. By providing a safe, creative space for learners to explore themselves, we help establish a foundation that will last their entire lives. This is a responsibility that I, and all the teachers at Joy to the World, take seriously, and it is what drives us to have the best preschool/kindergarten in Tokyo.

The most important tenant of Joy to the World is providing a place to learn and grow through creativity. We provide that at Joy to the World everyday, and my role as your Principal is to make sure that your child is safe, happy, and successful. I look forward to helping your child succeed at Joy, and thank you for being a part of the Joy family.

Services & Information


5-11-17 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo Japan 112-0002

Business Start Date

September 1999


Jerry Hanus


Isaac Guetersloh

Childcare Services Hours Provided

Monday to Friday: Main 9:30 am - 2pm, Extended Care 8 - 9:30am, 2pm - 6:45 pm


64 Children: 16 children up to 2 years old, 48 children over 3 years old

Childcare Fees

Full Time Monthly: ¥134,000 Part-time Monthly: ¥63,000 ~ ¥113,000 Extended Care Per Hour: ¥1,300


Monday to Friday 9:30am - 2pm: 7 childcare workers, 2 other

Monday to Friday 8 - 9:30am, 2pm - 6:45 pm (Extended Care): 4 childcare workers, 1 other

Staff Training

The following training has been given to childcare workers: First Aid training

Childcare Assistance Questions and Comments

Contact Person: Katie Schadhina Telephone: 03-5684-0247 Reception Hours: 1pm - 4pm

Accident Insurance

1000千円 for death 1000円 per day for hospitalization 1000円 per day for hospital visits

Liability insurance

Facility Liability Insurance: 10000千円 per accident

Personal and Property: 100000千円 per person, 400000千円 per accident

Emergency Procedures

Communication with parents will be through emergency contacts, per our School Handbook. Emergency updates may be posted on our homepage and social media accounts if available. Emergency response will be based on our Staff Manual.

Contact Information for Authorities in Case of Disaster

119 Fire Department 110 Police Station

Evacuation Drills and Training Programs

Earthquake and fire drills conducted per our school calendar. Evacuation drills are conducted annually.

Evacuation Location: Daiichi Junior High School Gymnasium  5-8-9 Koishikawa Bunkyo-ward  (See additional posting for details)

Measures for Preventing Abuse

Ongoing staff training includes training on measures for preventing abuse


Reinforced concrete construction building (Basement and 7 floors)

Joy to the World Facilities: 2nd Floor Childcare Space: 80 sqm 4th Floor Childcare Space: 170 sqm

History of Facility Orders to Cease Operation or Close Facility

There is not history of request of suspension of business.