Message about loitering and coronavirus

March 19, 2020

Dear Parents,

Please note that loitering on the sidewalk in front of the neighboring houses is not allowed. The noise disturbs our neighbors and also blocks the sidewalk for others to walk past freely.

Other than for drop-off or pick-up, please do not loiter in front of the school or neighboring houses.

Joy to the World is a member of the Bunkyo-Ku and neighborhood community, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep up our excellent reputation.

Additionally, following government recommendations and in the interest of the safety and wellbeing of Joy to the World families, remember to stay indoors, not visit crowded areas, and limit unnecessary travel and interactions. Joy to the World staff and teachers are pledging to do the same. We plan to stay open and continue our services to families during this coronavirus pandemic. To do that, we need your cooperation to limit your chance of exposure.

Thank you for your consideration and ongoing support.

Joy to the World


Dear Parents,



Joy to the Worldは文京区及び近隣コミュニティの一員であり、このコミュニティの方々からいただいている当校の高評価を引続き維持できるようにご協力いただきますようお願いいたします。

また、政府からの推奨に従い、Joy to the Worldファミリーの安全と健康のために、屋内に留まり、混雑した場所への外出は避け、不要不急の旅行や多くの人との交流は控えることを心がけてください。当校のスタッフ及び教師陣も同様の対応をいたします。当校はこのコロナウイルス大流行の期間も引き続き開校し、皆さまに通常通りのサービスをご提供する予定でおります。これを実現するためにも、全ての保護者の皆さまやご家族の皆さまにおかれましてもご自身の外出制限へのご協力を心よりお願い申しあげます。

Thank you for your consideration and ongoing support.

Joy to the World